Savour & Sounds Evenings

  • Saturday, February 22 at 22:00 am

    • Saturday, March 29 at 22:00 p.m
    • Saturday, April 26 at 22:00 p.m
  • Cpunt Hoofddorp
  • Free
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • young people, seniors, Adults
Savour & Sounds is the evening to pamper yourself and start the weekend right.

This evening guarantees a unique experience full of entertainment, live music, refined wines, cocktails and gastronomic snacks in the Cpunt café.

Come and enjoy an evening where your senses are pampered with a perfect combination of culinary delights, delicious drinks and accompanied by enchanting live music.

NB! The café is open from 16.00 p.m., but this show starts at 22.00 p.m. Join us and enjoy a snack and a drink beforehand.