Nieuwebrug: find the peace between city and village in Haarlemmermeer

Iconic house in Nieuwebrug
In the municipality of Haarlemmermeer, every place of residence has its own iconic building by which you can recognize the place. Nieuwebrug is officially so small that it is actually a hamlet instead of a real village. You can recognize Nieuwebrug by a special house with a striking yellow facade.
Things to do in Newbridge
Nieuwebrug may be a small town, but there is definitely something to experience! You can enjoy walking in the area, but there is also the opportunity to practice other sports. For example, you can find it here Tennis & Sports Center the New Bridge, with beautiful outdoor courts where you can play a game of tennis. In addition, several indoor courts are available. So you can really go here in any weather.
Newbridge restaurants
Restaurants near Nieuwebrug can be found in Haarlem, such as Metzo restaurant en The New Mooring Pole. If you want to stay a little longer in the area, you can camp at Nieuwebrug on the campsite The Song, on the other side of the Ringvaart. You can even rent a cool log cabin here, ideal for a short staycation!
As you can see, there is plenty to do in Nieuwebrug. Feel free to visit this unique village in Haarlemmermeer and enjoy the beautiful view over the Ringvaart.