Farm Consultation Everything: delicious honest products

Really fresh
Do you fancy some really fresh warm milk? Then come by during milking time. They sell warm and cold milk every day. Be sure to bring your own bucket or bottle. Are you cycling by without a bucket? No problem, you can use buckets and bottles on the spot. You will then pay a deposit. Fancy other dairy products? You can also go to Hoeve Overleg Alles for these. Come by for yoghurt, custard, buttermilk, curd, butter, cheese and farm ice cream. You have also come to the right place for an honest piece of meat. There is beef from cattle born on the farm, soup chickens and sausage. In season there is goose stew.

Local products
Looking for other regional products such as eggs, potatoes, onions and fruit? All these products come directly from fellow farmers and are for sale here. The honey comes directly from the beekeeper in Bennebroek/Heemstede and from Imkerij De Drie Bijen and baking products from the mill in Hoofddorp. It will not surprise you that this is also the address for artisanal products such as jam, rusk, wine, juice, dip, oil, vinegar, mustard and much more.
For children
Hoeve Overleg Everything is also fun for children. They can watch the cows and calves. Or climb and clamber on the climbing frame and jump on the trampoline. The use of this is at your own risk. There is a picnic table at this equipment, nice to eat an ice cream!

Hay and straw
From Monday to Saturday you can also go to this address for the sale of hay and straw for your pets. It is nice if you call in advance for an appointment. Then you will not come for nothing!
Opening hours
Hoeve Overleg Alles is open on weekdays from 16.00:19.00 to 14.00:19.00. On Saturdays you can visit here between 17.00:19.00 and XNUMX:XNUMX and on Sundays the doors are open between XNUMX:XNUMX and XNUMX:XNUMX. For current information, please visit the Facebook page.
Farm Consultation Everything
Bennebroekerdijk 164
2136LX Zwaanshoek
The Netherlands