Cycling past forts and windmills

17,0 km
Railway crossing Half way
Are you curious about the special history of Haarlemmermeer? Then this cycling route is perfect for you!
Front Fort Penningsveer with guardhouse and green door

During this bike tour you will pass a number of historical monuments, including beautiful windmills and forts. You will learn more about the background of the polder while cycling and discover the landscape in a completely new way!

Starting point

The route starts in Halfweg, at the Halfweg railway crossing. From here you cycle the first part straight ahead on theBatteryweg and the Oude Notweg until you arrive in Haarlemmerliede. 

1 Fort Penningsveer

Via Haarlemmerliede you then cycle past the Fort at the Liebrug and the water of the Binnen Liede to the picturesque village of Penningsveer, where you will see Molen de Veer. You will also come during this part Fort Penningsveer and Fort De Liede against. Together, these forts form a dense line of defense and are part of the Defense Line of Amsterdam.  

This is a special piece of cultural heritage in Haarlemmermeer. So special that it has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List! The Defense Line of Amsterdam was built as a defense line around Amsterdam, is 149 kilometers long and consists of a total of 45 forts.  

Exterior Fort Penningsveer with bench and plants against the wall

2 Spaarnwoude

From Penningsveer you cycle up to the village of Spaarnwoude. This small village originated in the Middle Ages and has the same name as the larger nature and recreation area Spaarnwoude Park. In the village you will find an old church, the Stubby Tower, whose architectural style of the tower recalls the medieval past. 

De Stompe Toren church with a few farms in the background

3 Spaarndam

Via Spaarnwoude you cycle further up to the village of Spaarndam. Here you will pass the historic windmill De Slokop, located on the water of the Mooi Nel. A perfect place to take a break and enjoy the view over the wide landscape. You cycle the last part via the Spaarndammerdijk along the beautiful recreation area Spaarnwoude Houtrak. This way you can enjoy nature and the view while cycling until you finally arrive at the starting point. 

municipality sign Spaarndam with the bridge to the old core in the background

End point

The route ends where you started, at the railway crossing in Halfweg. Did you feel like doing this fun cycling route? Then quickly view the entire route via the link below! 

More about the starting point

Starting point route
Railway crossing Half way
Spaarndammerweg 26
1165 MR Halfweg
The Netherlands